Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My thoughts on Spirit orbs

    I decided to write about orbs because to me there doesn’t seem to be a lot out there discussing the aspect of spirit orbs. There is plenty of articles out there debunking orbs but not a lot on the validity of actual spirit orbs. The easiest most effective way to tell if the orb you captured was a spirit orb is, was there contact? Were you trying to make contact? Did you feel a presence? Is the area known for the presence of spirits? You will find also if you begin to seek out orbs and try to make contact with them they will appear more. The key is communication. Ask them to show themselves, ask questions. The truth is a lot of people especially paranormal investigators dismiss orbs just because it is  not widely accepted that they are valid spirit communication. The truth is the orb is the easiest way a spirit can manifest its self. Creating a full body apparition or touching a person takes a tremendous amount of energy. Sometimes these orbs will coast across the floor as the spirit walks, they see themselves walking in human form but they appear as a simple orb. They may appear on furniture as the sit or lay down. Orbs can manifest in many colors shapes and transparencies. Just as people come in all shapes and sizes so do orbs. Each varying on its current amount of energy and personal characteristics. Some orbs will even have faces. Some will show up as small points of light and others bright glows but most as milky spheres.  Some are unique shapes and colors. Sometimes a single spirit will show up as several orbs as its energy grows. Orbs are almost always a precursor to other paranormal activities such as evps, apparitions or physical contact.

   When most people think of orbs they think of dust and while dust, water vapor and insects are the cause of some orbs these are usually easily spotted. Dust is usually flat or crescent shapes. It is usually visible through the camera lens and to the naked eye. Capturing dust in photographs can be minimized by settling down 2-3 minutes before taking photos. And of course always make sure your camera lens is clean. The argument that orbs are dust falls short when thoroughly investigated in many instances. For example perhaps orbs appear in your bedroom in one spot for seven days, you capture many videos and photos each night then the activity stops and all photos come up empty.  Then a few weeks later activity resumes. It is fair to assume these are spirit orbs. As it is common for activity to be heavy and then stop for a while before continuing. If dust was the culprit it would continue regularly. Of course as stated before the best way to tell if orbs are spirits is through communication.